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Welcome to the Q Team's Fanfiction page, a place for our projects.
Who are the Q Team?
We're a small group of authors who share a number of interests. Mainly we all are fans of the Power Ranger television show with a passing knowledge of the character Q from Star Trek The Next Generation. There have been a number of authors over the years, new writers join and old writers depart on occasion.
John Chubb is a prolific author who has produce works such as the Night Fighters and After the Siege. John created his own team and built a story around them and their enemies. A team that the forces of evil fear and the so-called good guys prefer to deny exist.
Adam Safran is the author of the series Q-tastrophe, which is a starting point for the Q Team's projects. Adam is a fan of Transformers and created a universe where human descendants of the Transformers fight alongside the Rangers.
Adam Pearlman is the writer of his own series that crosses back and forth with some of John's work.
Shadow Ranger is the creator and author of Conquest of Evil, a multiverse based story that has had many incarnations. A variant of Conquest of Evil appeared in the Q Team's series ID War and continues to be used in their COE Reckoning series.
Richard Carta was a contributor to the ID War whose character Destructor played an important role.
David Knight has also been a contributor to the various series.
The Masked Mistier was originally a part of the Q-Team.
George Rodd was a member of the Q-Team for 5 minutes. During that time he managed to depowers all the teams and gave their powers to Kimberly. His contribution exists somewhere in the multiverse.
Welcome to the Q Team's Fanfiction page, a place for our projects.
What have the Q-Team produced?
The Q-Team is responsible for two main projects: The ID War and COE: Reckoning.
In the beginning there was the Q War by Adam Safran, an epic tale of an extra-dimensional entity known as Evil Q who took the opportunity to intervene in the war between good and evil. When he fails with a little help from a not quite good but certainly not evil Q, a new tale begins, one that involves a different Universe.
Enter the Night Rangers, a team of Power Ranger who while good could hardly be described as 'light'. The Night Rangers were characters created by John Chubb, author of Night Fighters and After the Siege. Damaged goods is a term that has been applied many time to these warriors that evil fears and the good guys try to pretend don't exist. When help is requested the Night Rangers depart on a mission to aid their friends of another universe in a quest for the elusive Matrix.
From there a quest began to seek out the different Matrixes, a quest that would take a mixture of those from the Nightfighter and Q War universe across realities. Once there they met the inhabitants of a reality where the characters of Conquest of Evil resided, a multiverse created by Shadow Ranger where they picked up additional characters to help them in their quest. It is a story of good, evil and a lot of grey. There is infighting and character deaths. This is the ID War.
On the other hand, COE: Reckoning was more of a side project. When Shadow Rangers created Conquest of Evil or COE in 1999 he started midway through the story with the intention of going back and filling in the past and future at a later date. However when the time came he decided to make a full rewrite to the series and his original work was left unfinished. Then along came the Q-Team and a desire to make the series a part of the ID War. Shadow Ranger agreed and it was decided after that the Q-Team would be allowed to continue writing stories for that version of COE, which changed it's name to COE: Reckoning.
According to the current storyline, when the villain Minion, a composite creation of all incarnations of the clone of the Blue Ranger created during the episode Blue Ranger Gone Bad destroyed existence, the impossible happened. Minion was a perfectly united being and should not have had alternate versions of himself, but suddenly he did. Minion's soul was fractured by his insanity and when existence was reborn, the fragments of his soul created alternate realities where the battles between Minion and the Rangers could be played out until all the fragments were destroyed. This storyline is the basis of both the multiverse and the different incarnations of COE.
COE: Reckoning is based in one of those realities. By rights the reality should have ended when Minion was defeated, but instead it continued, sustained by its upcoming role in the ID Wars. When Kincaid and his Night Rangers appeared, some of the Rangers from a COE universe joined their quest to recover the remaining Matrixes. At the moment this variant of the COE multiverse stabilised fully. COE: Reckoning is a tangent reality, every bit as relevant as the original. It is to that universe that the heroes of the ID War travel.
So how do the many series involved in the Q-Team's work fit together?
ID War begins during After the Siege in the episode Final Assembly and continues in the Q Wars reality where Evil Q was born. The characters visited the reality that became COE: Reckoning and picked up several extra characters. At the end the characters return to their native realities.
So without further ado, here is the story . . .
The Q-Team's stories tie in with the individual stories of its members. It is recommended that you read:
Q War by Adam Safran
Power Rangers: Nightfighters by John Chubb
After the Siege by John Chubb
Conquest of Evil by Shadow Ranger
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